Contributor Awards (Yellow)

There are also not as many yellow contributors as it seems. And of the total number of participants, confirmed contributors are less than one percent. It would be cool to see an award for this role as well. You can make top contributors (yellow), for example, use the same ZetaHub. Whichever contributor has more XP in 1 season is higher in the top. It turns out that this role is underestimated, although a little more than 1,500 people also have it, which is not a lot. If this person was active, made posts on Twitter, made posts in a medium, or simply helped and was active in the chat. used ZetaHub, was in the top, but also did not receive any awards. We need distribution to contributors (yellow).


Zetachain team, your contributors needs to be rewarded. Don’t pay a deaf ear to this proposal. We did a lot on twitter and on Medium to promote Zetachain. I personally have a community I shilled Zetachain to from the start and till now, I can’t have anything to show for your appreciation.

I have 340k+ XP currently, I am not even eligible for the ongoing XP airdrop. Will I, as a contributor, won’t be rewarded?

good proposal my friend all yellow role deserves to be rewarded