Increase voting period to 72 hours

The community would like to increase the governance voting period to 72 hours. It is currently set to 24 hours. We’ve heard the 24 hours governance window is too short and the community would prefer something longer.

72 hours will give the community more time to participate and still allows the network to make relatively quick decisions and perform upgrades when needed.


72 is much better. ZetaChain is evolving fast and a 3 day (arguably, pretty short) makes it possible to make changes faster, but eventually I think we could switch to a 7 day period. It’s important to give users sufficient time to vote.

24 hours is more than enough time to vote for the right decision. This process takes seconds, personally I don’t see a good reason for 72 hours, who is monitoring the network - the one who votes, negligent validators can be given 3 months to vote and they will still miss it because they are not interested.
So my vote is in favour of keeping it as it is, 24 hours for voting.


72 hours are much better then a singly day window. On the other hand it would be so kind of you if you like to extend it to “a week time” period. thanks for consideration.

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This won’t be the only time we propose adjusting the voting period. 72 hours helps retain our agility but we’ll revisit the voting period in the future and may extend it.

I am curious @ShaniYT how the extra time between 72 hours and 1 week would be helpful for you? Are there other things we could we do to increase your ability to review proposals and vote within a shorter time window?

Voting period is the same for all proposals. Upgrade proposals are not contentious most of the time, but as the network evolves we will have controversial proposals and the community should have time to think and reflect. I’ve been observing governance on Cosmos chains (specifically, Cosmos Hub), and you wouldn’t believe how often the vote swings. It’s actually very exciting to watch.

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2 days is the optimal option; if the validator has not voted in 2 days, then most likely he will no longer vote. 24 hours for a validator in which there are many projects, this is not enough

In fact, active validators and those who monitor the network and projects are quite enough 24 hours, the basis of validators vote in the first hour, others do not vote at all, I see no point in increasing the time, I vote against.